Monday, August 07, 2006

Life is What Happens

Yeah, I know...the idea is to write daily. And here it is three days since a post.

Was up late Thursday night/early Friday morning all excited about audioblogging and blogging in general. Tried to learn the code for inserting tags. Want to learn how to do general tags but the only code I remotely understand at the moment is how to insert technorati tags. Isn't there an easier, user friendly, non-computer geek, push-button way? A way that doesn't involve having to type in code?

It is a good exercise for my brain cells and synapses though. And more exercise is ahead as I don't like the way the tags on my last post turned out or know if they're even working.

Anyhow, up so late on Thursday that I slept in on Friday. Then Saturday and Sunday was in Salem for soccer. My daughter's soccer team had their annual qualifying tournament. The results of which decide your placement in the state's OYSA Fall League. The girls gave it what they had but came away with 4 losses and a tie. Funny that I should say "but came away" instead of "and came away", considering how much we constantly try to emphasize that it isn't the win/loss record but how you play the game...

I think the "but" comes from knowing how discouraged most of the girls were. Although my daughter has never been one to be upset following a game (except for that one time when there was confusion during the game over who was going to take a pk, so she took it, and the coach came unglued and yelled at the top of his lungs at her--during the game). She plays merely because she loves to play, and no matter what the score, gives it her best effort (though her best effort, like for most of us, can vary from time to time).

Anyhow, running off course here a bit. Headed off into the brambles. Though that's the way my mind works and what these Babelon Pages are for. Letting it all out. Letting the monkey out for a play date. So that when I really need to create, I'll have less clutter. And more flow. ("Not that this isn't creating as well, mind you"--said to that Ms. Editor Pants also residing in my head.)

I have so many things I'd like to explore here. Wish I could just read (online and offline) and write (online and offline) and reflect (online and offline) all day long.

Like part II of Holy Grail, Jesus. Thoughts on anti-Semitism. The Middle East crisis. The momentum the 9/11 truth movement is gaining. Global Warming. My conflicting thoughts on being a "soccer mom" and how it impacts global warming, wars for oil, and so much more. The creative power of our thoughts. The list is endless.

But, for starters, I've got breakfast to make, bags to unpack, laundry to start, and some rearranging of the pantry to do in order to accommodate that side trip to Trader Joe's we made yesterday.

Life is what happens when you're busy...taking care of the family, putting the groceries away, and trying to comprehend the bigger picture all at the same time.--John Lennon and I.


At 1:00 PM, Blogger Raemius said...

Ran across the link to your blog On Common Dreams, very insightful article.

At 7:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto...regarding your thoughts posed on Common Dreams. Well said.


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