Here Goes
Monkey Mind for all to see. Not sure it's really a very good idea. And can I do it without editing, like Julia suggests? That's hard enough when sitting in my pjs in my favorite chair writing in my own very private 3 ring notebook. But here? Available on the internet? Yikes. We'll see how long this lasts.
But I do very much like all the tools available here. That I can write about anything and link other things to this blog. Like pictures, articles, song lyrics...
The thing on my mind this morning (besides first creating this blog) is the interesting night I had. Sleeping. Dreaming. I'm not positive, but it might have been the new tea.
I was at yesterday (looking for a recipe for the head of cauliflower in my fridge) and noticed an ad for Wu Long Tea. The ad went on and on about the slimming effects of Wu-Long tea, "the original," "accept no substitutes or imitations," "not available in any store," "hurry and buy today--$37 for 80 teabags--as supplies are limited."
Something smells funny in China.
Nevertheless, I was intrigued about the tea and it's purported benefits. I'm not overweight, but I still have a few leftover lbs from Thanksgiving and those two trips to Louisiana I'd like to get rid of.
So I googled Wu-Long tea. Found out it's also known as Oolong. (Also found articles suggesting caution when using it as a magic weight-loss solution. Though common sense had already warned me about that.)
Still curious I decided to go two blocks to my local food co-op to see if they had any. My neighbor works in the tea/coffee/spice department. I asked her about oolong and she gave me a free sample of some organic oolong from the same Mt. Wu Yi Shan that the company mentioned above gets theirs. Hmm. Not sold in any stores eh? With a little tricky wordplay I guess you can get away with saying anything in an ad.
Anyhow, took a cup of the tea to bed with me. Along with a new book: Grail Conspiracy.
Not sure if it was the tea, the book, or a combination of both, but I had a wild ride. And it lasted the entire night. Not sure how to describe it. There was a physical component. Energy coursing through my body. Vibrations. (Caffeine?) And lots of interesting conversations that, unfortunately, I can't now recall. Something to do with my ongoing fascination with the Grail. I do remember thinking, consciously, all through the night: Wow. This is incredible. Can this be real? I can't believe this is happening.
The only clear recollection beyond the feeling of wow-ness and the energy vibrations, was the "awareness" that this dream life was just as real, if not more-so, than my waking life. I knew I'd been in this "place" before. It was vivid and clear, and to repeat, felt more solid to me than what I knew waking life to feel like.
Still asleep and dreaming, I consciously reflected on that awareness, and it occurred to me that perhaps we live in many different frequencies/dimensions at the same time. We just aren't consciously (usually) aware of it. Perhaps while sitting here typing this morning, other parts of my consciousness/spirit are off having a multitude of other experiences. All just as real and meaningful. (Trying to come up with an analogy to illustrate but can't think of one at the moment and Julia is in my head telling me to quit thinking and keep writing.)
The other thing I remember quite clearly was asking (the cosmos/universe?), while still sleeping/dreaming, if I was correct in the above. Was this place and these conversations just as real, if not more so, than waking life? And is it possible that we live in different frequencies/dimensions at the same time?
The answer was yes.
I wish I could really describe how real and solid this felt. How frustrating that it all fades upon waking. Waking? Hah, the biggest farce is probably in believing I'm awake at all.
Interestingly, there was a song playing in my head when I woke. Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven. I've always loved the feel of the music but had never really read the lyrics. So I googled them. In the process I also ran across a whole wikipedia entry. All pretty interesting, considering the ride my consciousness took last night.
Well, it's 10:14 am. Time to get the kids up, open the shades, get out of my pjs, and on with the day. And perhaps another cup or two of mind bending tea before the day's over...
Monkey Mind indeed.
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